Dr. Pink and I received a call from Doris about 4 weeks ago. Doris is from Arkansas and she was calling the PawHealer team to see if we could help with her 12 year old Bear.
Bear is a Chow mixed with a Wolf, he weighs 80lbs and sadly, according to Doris, Bear was loosing all the use of his hind quarters.
Doris told us that Bear had been diagnosed with Arthritis of the hips and the right leg. However the symptoms that Doris was conveying to Dr. Pink Pinkerton (herbalist extraordinaries) and me (The PawHealer) sounded more along the line of some sort of paralysis. See Doris told us that Bear was actually dragging himself around and he was not able to lift up his hind quarters.
Here is Bears medical history;
Male Wolf/Chow 80lbs
Bad breath
Takes medicine for seizures because he had distemper as a puppy and almost died
No problems with bladder control, does have some bad teeth
Does not seem to run hot, he does bark a lot (he watches over Doris)
The team did not have much to go on as you can see, so we clung to the idea that Bear had some sort of internal deficient heat. We based this on the fact that he had bad breath (heat causes the breath to become sour) as well as bad teeth problems. The other clue of course was the weakness of the hind quarters.
Dr Pink and I did not see it as Bi Syndrome (Arthritis) because it sounded as if Bear was loosing sensation of his limbs, and the way the Doris described Bear's situation was that of being flaccid, as if he had lost control of his limbs, not as if he was any pain.
Based on the hind quarter weakness and based on the past medical history of Distemper, Dr. Pink Pinkerton and myself believed that Bear was suffering from Liver-Kidney Yin deficiency.
We prescribed to Bear a famous Kidney Yin tonic called Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan to clear deficiency heat (causing weakness of lower back and hind quarters) and we also included Si Miao San for the heat in Bear's stomach causing the bad breath, and we sent it out to Doris while keeping our toes and fingers crossed hoping that it worked for her wonderful and trusted friend Bear.
7 Days later;We received a call from Doris....Bear had actually gotten worse and he couldn't get up at all. Doris was distraught and was looking into buying a cart for Bear. She just couldn't put Bear down because besides not being able to stand, Bear was doing fine. He was hungry, he was thirsty and continued to do his watch dog duties.
Dr. Pink and I instructed Doris to DOUBLE the dosage of herbs, and not give up. After we hung up, we felt terrible for Doris and Bear....we thought our herbs had failed to help Doris out.
7 Days later after the last phone call;We were checking messages and we had a message from Doris. We dreaded what we maybe were going to hear, I thought Bear must be worse or dead...When we got Doris on the phone, we were shocked with what she told us.
Bear was actually walking....up to that point Doris was helping Bear walk with a sling. Because it was a beautiful and warm day, she left Bear out to enjoy the morning. When she came back to bring him in the house, incredibly Bear was walking around the parameter of her house and had actually climbed a small hill!
Doris was calling the PawHealer team to order more herbs for Bear because he was doing so much better!
How exciting and exhilarating for the PawHealer team.
This time around we filled decided that we wanted to tonify Kidney Essence with the very famous formula You Gui Wan. We also modified the formula with some herbs that will provide pain relief as well as to continue to nourish the Kidneys.
Dr. Pink Pinkerton and I think of Doris everyday. Bless her heart for helping her dog friend Bear through such a difficult time. Many people would of just given up hope...
We feel honored that Doris D trusted the PawHealing team to help her with the wonderful Bear.
Disclosure PawHealer® (what we want you to know):
We offer our customers a $10 coupon for responding to our request for product experiences. It's our thanks to them for taking the time to do the work of writing the e mail and sending the picture. They use the coupon on their following order.
We sell traditional Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and pet products. We do not engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry in any of its branches. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or administer any drug, medicine, appliance, application, or treatment for the prevention, cure, or relief of a wound, fracture, bodily injury, or disease of animals. We do not perform any surgical or dental operation upon any animal. We do not perform any manual procedure for the diagnosis of pregnancy, sterility, or infertility upon livestock Equidae.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your local veterinarian. Instead, these testimonials offer the reader information and opinions written by pet owners concerning animal health and products that they have used.