Dr. Pink Pinkerton and I received a nice surprise in the mail the other night.
It was a thank you note for a dog mom that was returning some herbs to us that I had accidentally sent to her for another customer. She was nice enough to return them to me.
Some people are very funny, they won't don't want to talk to us about their dog. They just want to order their herbs on line and be done.
In this case Yvonne gave Dr. Pink Pinkerton and myself received a call about two weeks ago. All Yvvonne wanted to know was if it was "normal" for her dog to have the sound in his chest as if the phlegm was breaking up, because it was really really breaking up.
First, I really don't have the answer to that because every case we have worked with is very different. So I told her that I really had not heard of that reaction, but did she believed, based on what she was telling me that it seemed as if the phlegm was breaking up in a way that Oscar seemed better?
Well she said, he did seem more comfortable and he was now able to sleep. You see Oscar had just had the stint implanted, and yet he still continue to violently cough and that's why Yvonne was turning to the PawHealer team.
Well of course Dr. Pink Pinkerton and myself were a little worried after that phone call. We had no idea if Oscar was benefiting from theherbs and we couldn't call her, because you could tell from Yvonne's voice that she really did not want to have to discuss anything with the team, so we did not feel calling her back was an option to learn Oscar's fate.
Two weeks pass, and Dr. Pink and I from time to time wonder how Yvonne's Oscar is doing.....and then we received this very nice welcome note from Oscar's dog mom.
These are things that make the team feel really great!
Disclosure PawHealer® (what we want you to know):
We offer our customers a $10 coupon for responding to our request for product experiences. It's our thanks to them for taking the time to do the work of writing the e mail and sending the picture. They use the coupon on their following order.
We sell traditional Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and pet products. We do not engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry in any of its branches. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or administer any drug, medicine, appliance, application, or treatment for the prevention, cure, or relief of a wound, fracture, bodily injury, or disease of animals. We do not perform any surgical or dental operation upon any animal. We do not perform any manual procedure for the diagnosis of pregnancy, sterility, or infertility upon livestock Equidae.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your local veterinarian. Instead, these testimonials offer the reader information and opinions written by pet owners concerning animal health and products that they have used.
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