Pink Pinkerton would like you to meet Hardy. She is a repeat customer of the website. Dr. Pink has been working with her person to once and for all get rid of this girl's allergies.
Hardy's wheezing has been so bad that it was starting to affect her quality of life. Cary (her person) first ordered the collapsed trachea did some good, but it didn't do the job. The team recommended that Cary look into doing a formula for sinuses....and he did it....
Dr. Pink Pinkerton is pleased as pink to say that his furry patient Hardy is on the road to recovery.
I don't want to speak to soon ,but I think she is quite a bit better and the wheezing/ sneezing is much less, even though she still will have a few attacks each day- the herbs seem to be working. I am keeping my fingers crossed she keeps improving.She seems to be a bit more energetic and playful as well, and beck to bossing me around. No more rabbit kills thank God but the cats live in living hell. She is now being bothered by her foot which must have a sore spot but she is mean about looking at it and tries to bite me. I will check it out better tomorrow, when she was a little baby one of my horses pushed his stall door open and it wedged her foot under it she was in allot of pain and I think that it has bothered her a bit throughout the years off and on and we also have sand spurs which are very painful if you get 1 in your foot.The toads aren't out yet-- that's another crisis when they arrive!!
Do you know Dr Thomas at For Love of The Horse?
He has saved my Cushing's foundered mare with his formula's he is so wise and no one said she could be saved and to put her down, she is now running around her paddock like a young filly enjoying the grass which she could never handle before because of laminitis.When I found Dr. Thomas the mare was in really bad shape and couldn't stand but for a few minutes at a time this went on for 6 months-- She was on so much medication without it helping I finally quit all pain medicine and percolide which she had been on for years now I have her sound enough to ride lightly and only on the Chinese herbs. If you have never been to his site it's worth checking out the forum at Thanks for all your help I am eternally grateful. Take Care, Cary 
Disclosure PawHealer® (what we want you to know):
We offer our customers a $10 coupon for responding to our request for product experiences. It's our thanks to them for taking the time to do the work of writing the e mail and sending the picture. They use the coupon on their following order.
We sell traditional Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and pet products. We do not engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry in any of its branches. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or administer any drug, medicine, appliance, application, or treatment for the prevention, cure, or relief of a wound, fracture, bodily injury, or disease of animals. We do not perform any surgical or dental operation upon any animal. We do not perform any manual procedure for the diagnosis of pregnancy, sterility, or infertility upon livestock Equidae.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your local veterinarian. Instead, these testimonials offer the reader information and opinions written by pet owners concerning animal health and products that they have used.
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